Submit & Manage Abstracts
Controversies and Advances in the Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease: The Sixteenth in the SeriesAbstract Submission Rules
The abstract text should be no more than 200 words (inclusive of title, authors, institutions and text). Upon completion of the form below, you will also be required to upload your entire abstract in rich text format, including any tables or pictures.
The abstract should be organized as follows:Keep it as brief as possible indicating the nature of the study. Omit abbreviations in the title, but you may use them in the text.
- Include the name (first name, family name), institution, city and country of ALL authors as you would like them to appear in the publication.
Text of your abstract should adhere to the following guidelines: Concise statement of the purpose of the investigation
- Material and methods of the study
- Summary of the results
- Conclusions supported by the results of the investigation
- Do not include references
If accepted for presentation or display, the abstract will be printed EXACTLY AS SUBMITTED in the symposium syllabus. Please avoid errors and misspellings.
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